Creating a new story hasn’t changed much. But there are a few differences you should know about:
- Articles are now called posts
- Categories are now called team tags
- To add a story to the slideshow, you just select the featured box
Let’s walk through the steps below:
- Hover over “posts” and click “add new”
- Enter your title
- Enter the body of your article
- To add the story to the slideshow check the “featured” box on the right hand side. *Slideshow stories must have a featured image, so don’t skip step 5!
- Add a featured image in the “featured image” box on the right hand side. Click “set featured image”. Choose the image you would like from your desktop or media library. Click “set featured image”.
- To add the story to team pages scroll to the section on the right hand side called “team tags”. Start typing in the team you would like to tag i.e boys varsity basketball. Click add.
- Click Publish