Sponsor List

Provide a list of businesses in your community so that your local sales rep can invite them to sponsor your website!

Add Schedules to Your Website

Get game dates and times up on your website so that the community knows when to come out and support your team!

Here is how to add schedules using VNN Scheduler: https://varsitynewsnetwork.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/209954246-Uploading-your-Schedule-from-a-Spreadsheet

Syncing schedules from another website? Fill out a ticket here and we will get it set up:

Add Registration information

Make sure your students know what they need in order to register for a sport! Add all your physical forms, concussion forms, and more. Here’s how:

Connect Your Athletic Platform to Your School Website

A “301 redirect” will create an automatic link on your school’s website to your athletics website, making it easier for the community to locate. Here is how to do it:

Ask IT to connect your website URL to the Athletics tab on your website!

Promote URL

Put your athletics website URL in your voicemail and email signature. This way, with every communication you make, you can promote your athletic programs to your peers.

Press release

Get the word out about your site! Send an email to parents in your community.

Send a press release out to local media, as well– here’s an example you’re welcome to use:

Contact Us

Send us an email and we'll get back to you, ASAP.

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